cinemas for the film !

Look Back (Rukku Bakku)  

Runtime : 62 min

Voice : Japanese

Director : Kiyotaka Oshiyama

Stars : Yumi Kawai, Mizuki Yoshida

Country : Japan

Sorry, The movie is not available at any dates !

All the theaters for the film

Central Megabox
Changdong Megabox
Dongdaemun Megabox
GangDong Megabox
GangNam Megabox
GunJa Megabox
Hongdae Megabox
Isu Megabox
Kondae ipgu KU Cinematheque
Magok Megabox
MokDong Megabox
Samsung COEX Megabox
SangAm Worldcup Stadium Megabox
Sangbong Megabox
Seongsu Megabox
Sinchon Megabox
Songpa Park Habio Megabox

Cine in Korea