cinemas for the film !

Gladiator II  

Runtime : 148 min

Voice : English

Director : Ridley Scott

Stars : Pedro Pascal, Paul Mescal, Connie Nielsen

Country : United Kingdom,United States

All the theaters for the film

Cheonan Megabox
Cheonan Pentaport CGV
Cheongju (Seomun) CGV
Cheongju G-Well City CGV
Cheongju Yong-am Lotte Cinema
Cheongju Yulryang CGV
Dangjin CGV
Dangjin Lotte Cinema
Hongseong CGV
Nonsan CGV
Ochang Megabox
Sejong CGV
Seo-Cheongju (Outlet) Lotte Cinema
Seosan Lotte Cinema

Cine in Korea